Before 2012 and Beyond

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Welcome Winter Sunset

please let us know what cds you wany

Welcome to our web page!

We were asked why we chose the name "Before 2012 and Beyond".  Well, this is "before 2012" - that part was easy. And then there is the Mayan calendar. Will the world come to an end in 2012? Will 2012 bring the antichrist as some predict? What will happen in the years beyond 2012? That's what we want to know & that how's we came up with our name.

We hope you will enjoy perusing the site. Please visit us again!

Who's Olaf Hage?
If you haven't heard Olaf's one-of-a-kind research reports, nor any of the hundreds of radio interviews he's given, you can now listen to the following sample file  at no charge!

What's On Olaf's CDS?
This is a FREE 60 minute download you can listen to right now. Olaf tells about his unique backround and goes into more detail about what his CD's cover.  NEW FILE!!!

click here to download file

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To save the download to listen to later, right click with your mouse and then click on "save  target as....." and save it where ever you want on your computer.

Olaf's MP3-CD Anthology "History's Greatest Secrets"

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